Good Day Sunshine
I promised you sunshine and now you are going to get it. The wealth transfer I talked about in the last chapter is real and it is extremely powerful. During a cycle change, when one asset class is topping out while the other is bottoming out, the intensity of the wealth transfer that has already taken place does not go unnoticed. The herd sees that other people have made enormous gains, and they want some too. The public continues to chase yesterday’s hot investment class, even though big gains have already been made. The pronounced severity of the full transfer of wealth is only noticeable after the transfer is complete .… at the end of that cycle and the beginning of the new one.
Gold Rush
Once again, smart investors know that the stock and bond markets have reached their peak, and have been declining for a while now. Those that are financially intelligent and in the know have been quietly moving their money into tangible assets, especially gold and silver. You may not have heard about it in the mass media but we are in the midst of the greatest gold rush in recorded history.
From the book: “Guide to Investing in Gold and Silver” by Michael Maloney